A Letter to My Daughter on the Birth of her Child


Silas Home 1aa24 years ago you brought me across a threshold when you made me the mother of a daughter. Today we crossed one together when you became a mother and I became a grandmother. As I look at my new grandson’s sweet face I see my little girl all over again. He looks so much like you and yet he is a totally separate little person! How awesome is that?

I love you so much! I love all three of you – even if I haven’t formally met the newest member of your little family yet. I love you all with all my heart.

Oh how I wish I could be there with you to hug you, to hold my grandbaby, to breathe in that baby smell, to wonder over this incredible life that is part you, but a little part of me as well. That is something we will always share as mother and daughter. He captured my heart from the first photo. I wish so badly I could be there.  I wish it more than anything right now, but we just don’t have the money right now. I hope against all hope that in a few months I will have the money to make the trip down there and I can finally hold him. Until then, keep sending me pictures. They are almost as good as being there.

And Dad, don’t think I’ve forgotten you – this is for you both. I was so touched to hear the story of how you literally ran home from work when you found out your son was on the way! I have seen the way you treat my daughter with such love and tenderness, how you cherish her, how good you are to her, and I feel secure knowing that she is loved and protected. Every mother wants that for her child. Thank you for giving that to me. I love you as if you were my own son.

I know that this is not exactly what the two of you had planned for your lives just yet. God is a great disrupter of human plans though, but that’s OK. In the end you realize that everything happened just as it should. There will be people who do not support you, will be unkind, who will speak ill of you and to you. Don’t listen to them. Smile, say thank you, and turn away. They have not spent a moment in your shoes so they have no room or right to be critical or judgmental. Remember, God Himself created that little baby and gave him to YOU. God never makes mistakes but the outcome depends entirely on how you treasure the gift.

God has a way of putting the sweetest blessings in the most unexpected places!

I think you are going to be just fine. In fact, I am certain of it.

As a parent you always wonder “did I love her enough?” “did I nurture her enough?” Did I teach her to love without abandon? But then I see you holding your child, the way you look at him, the way you light up when he is in your arms, and I know the answer is yes. You have always been so sweet and loving with such a tender heart, I know that this baby will have the best mom (and dad!) ever.

I am so very proud of you, so honored to be your mother. I love you so much sometimes it seems as if there just isn’t room in my heart to hold it all! You are so incredibly brave and tough and strong! You did not plan this but you stepped right up and accepted the responsibility.

You chose life.

In a society where human beings can be eliminated when they are inconvenient or in the way, you my sweet daughter chose the road less traveled. It is a lot longer and a lot more difficult, but you did it -and that takes real courage.

It’s easy to do away with something you think you don’t want or that didn’t come along at the “right time.” Sure, you may remember, you may even experience guilt for ending a small life before it even began, but to stand up to your responsibility and meet the challenges head on – that takes incredible bravery. No, your life may not be exactly where you want it to be – or where you thought it would be – right now and realistically, this is not exactly the “ideal” time to have a baby, but you weren’t thinking of yourself.

And you chose life.

I love you, Mom


Washington Monument - Tribute

I was looking at some older photos this morning and reminiscing. I have pictures of my kids at different point in the city. I have some awesome shots of D.C.

It made me a little homesick.

We can’t go back now, but someday…maybe…

Have you ever been so homesick for somewhere that just looking at pictures makes you feel a sad longing for another time?

I know there is a reason my life is going in this direction, but sometimes I just get a little homesick.


Take my hand…

take my hand“Take my hand,” he said. “I won’t let you fall.”

She looked up at him, her green eyes peering into his as she searched his face. Could she trust him? So many had let her fall.

He smiled, his hand still outstretched toward her. No words were needed for this moment. She saw all she needed to see, shining in his eyes.

She took his hand and he gently led her on to their next adventure…