Wake Up Christians!

You stand by so complacent as statues come down, books are banned, and movies are wiped from existence – all because they offend a group that hasn’t experienced said offences in 200 years.

Do any of you even realize that the KKK and their affiliates would burn CROSSES in the yards of people of color and their “sympathizers.?”


Look out Christians because the cross you hold so dear is next and you have no one to blame but yourself.

The cross is associated with racism – just like the Confederate flag, just like the statues (maybe even more so). Of course it will be next in line to be eradicated from our culture.

You stood quietly by as these hate groups systematically tore down our country, bit by bit. You nodded in sympathy letting your herd mentality guide you into sheer absurdity and siding with bullies in a crazy form of Stockholm Syndrome. 

YOU let them rip apart statues, flags, books, movies, PANCAKE SYRUP for pity’s sake – did you even notice that they were replacing them with their own hate symbols?


THIS is what is wrong with what is going on in our country today. There are no defined parameters, no boundaries. It is just a slippery slope that leads to book burning and censorship. It won’t end. It will never be enough because these groups don’t want to live peacefully side by side, they want to conquer and dominate.

And you foolishly hand our freedoms to them on a silver platter.

Enough is enough.